This is a list of projects I’ve written in my spare time. They only have basic features, and are mostly unoptimised. These are projects that I built out of curiosity, or to challenge myself.
Feel free to try them out! If you have any feedback, thoughts or questions, feel free to contact me via any of my social media pages below.
Rock Paper Scissors (GameBoy game)
I worked on this in my free time across the span of 6 months. Considering the simplicity of the project, it’s nothing to shout about. However, I appreciate the first-hand experience of writing a game in assembly code (GB-Z80).
Price Manager
A web app written in ReactJS and NodeJS. This web app is meant to supplement my expense-keeping habit. I use Money Manager to keep track of my general expenses, but I wanted to also keep track of every single grocery item I bought. Ideally, I would like to get statistics of items I bought over the years, e.g.
- Total quantity
- Average price
- Lowest / highest
And additionally, it would be nice to be able to create my own shopping basket to predict the price of groceries I will spend on my next trip to the supermarket.