Hi there! I go by “LWY” or “WYLeong” online, but you can call me “Wai” in real life. I’m a Penang-born Malaysian. I like cute and happy things. My favourite characters are Kirby, Psyduck and Chocobo. I aspire to draw comics that tell heart-warming or thought-provoking stories. I also like cooking. My dream is to afford a house with a big kitchen, so I can cook whatever I want.
I enjoy both programming and art. My passion is in telling stories through comics and illustrations.
I currently create comic strips every Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Every other day, I try to draw something to maintain my daily drawing streak. I spend other days reading self-improvement and art-related books.
I work as a Full-stack Web Engineer. My specialty is in Frontend (ReactJS, NextJS) and Testing (Playwright, Jest). I love writing clean maintainable code, and take pride in designing projects with excellent documentation. I also love writing tests because they prevent bugs and regressions from happening.
Check out my LinkedIn profile for the latest information.